+43 57117 2008


PowerLine Handels GmbH

VAT identification number: ATU62785409
Commercial register number: 282173k
Commercial register court: Steyr

Authority according to the e-commerce law
Magistrate of the City Steyr
Member of the chamber of commerce
Upper Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Start of the legal form: 11. August 2006

Werkstraße 13 | a-4451 St. Ulrich bei Steyr
Telephone: +43 7252 72330 322
Fax +43 7252 72330 320
E-Mail: Office@power-line.at

Managing Director
Dipl. Ing. Artem Martirosian

Type of business
Trading and consulting company
Wholesale trade of truck components
Production of small series

Bank data
Unicredit Bank Austria AG
Hauptplatz 27
A-4020 Linz

IBAN: AT20 1200 0100 2136 8088

Content responsibility
PowerLine Handels GmbH